* Booking & enrolment      * Accomodation      * Grants & economy


Academy of Experimental Dance Theatre, Somatic Movement & Performance Art

Administration and post: Baadsmandsstraede 43, DK-1407, Copenhagen K
Studio: Art Culture Center Baekkelund, Bolbvej 7, DK-3782 Klemensker

E mail: i n f o @ n o r d i c b  u t o h . d k
Phone  + 45 2665 5605

See the complete programme with all information about booking, payment, and other practical info:
Year-programme (pdf. Opens up in a new window)


Do you want to receive newsletter with information and the programmes.

Do you want to sign up for a course or Open Training class, please send the application form plus pay the enrollment deposit for the specific course to the banc account.

All rights of changing according programme, price, time and place, by Nordic School of Butoh. Always see the confirmation of the course you receive.


The international students can stay at the Art Culture Center in an open creative atmosphere in which it is easy to be inspired by the island's magic & overwhelming nature, from wonderfully long beaches to dramatic high cliffs. The farm is situated at the island Bornholm, one of the most beautiful magic islands of Denmark situated in the Baltic Sea, central for the Baltic-and Nordic countries as well as Poland and Germany. Max 3 hour’s from Copenhagen, with direct connection.
Link where you can find maps and tourist info:  * www.krak.dk   or   * maps.msn.com


Nordic School of Butoh is an independent, nonprofit, alternative school for dance, body and performance in Copenhagen.
The organisation of the school is a formal structure with a board approved by the Copenhagen Municipal Cultural Department, and an economy based on private fonds, the Municipality of Copenhagen, and first of all the workshop fees of the students.

The school is not entitled to receive Danish `SU`( the State Education Grant), but the situation might be different in other countries for students outside Denmark.
Students living in Copenhagen may ask the municipality to support the expenses of the education. Students from other European countries have a good chance to apply different foundations for support during their studies. Students might ask the Sleipner foundation for support of a 4 month study ( 1 module ), or a workshop and summer camp. Also 'Teater og Dans I Norden' might help your travel expenses if you are a dancer or actor or a young artist.

We would like to help you with invitation and documentation.

Scandinavian grants and useful addresses:

(February 2004) The foundations might have more than one deadline, check it out.

Private Foundation for artists living in Denmark: Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jublilæumsfond, Carlsberg Fonden and many others.

Gramex ( uddannelsesudvalget under dansk skuespillerforbund).
DSF, dansk skuespillerforbund, info: 3324 2200, E- mail: dsf@skuespillerforbundet.dk - www.skuespillerforbundet.dk (only for members of the danish trade union)

Nordic contacts:

(only for Nordic students)
Sleipnir Nordisk Reise- og Studiestipend
Info: 21 02 71 80, www.norskedansekunstnere.no
info: +45 3322 4555, www.nifca.org/ sleipnir
( for kunstnere under 36 år)

Teater og Dans i Norden
Info: +45 33 22 45 55, www.nordscen.dk
Frist: 15. april (støtte stil samnordiske gjestespill og kunstnere)

Norwegian contacts:

Fond for utøvende kunstnere
Info: 22 40 27 60, www.ffuk.no
Frist: 14. mars

Søknad om Gjennopptaking og spredning av forestilling behandles fortløpende
Forbrukersamvirkets Kulturpris
Info: 22 89 95 00
Frist: 1. mars (for unge, norske, lovende talenter, enkeltperson eller gruppe)

Nordisk Kulturfond
Info: +45 33 96 02 00
Frist: 15. mars (prosjektstøtte, nordisk breddde)

Norsk- Finsk Kulturfond
Info: Drammensveien 39, 0271 Oslo, 22 54 84 11
Frist: 31. mars

Norsk kulturråd
Info: 22 47 83 30, www.kulturad.no
Frist: 1. februar (prosjektstøtte)

Norsk Scenekunstbruk
Info: 23 29 29 00, www.scenekunst.no
Behandles fortløpende

Skipsreder Tom Wilhelmsens Stiftelse
Info: 67 58 43 07
Frist: 1. mai (for kunstnere til studier og forskning)

Stiftelsen Finn Tveito
Info: 21 02 71 80, www.norskedansekunstnere.no
Frist: 1. mars (kr. 50.000 til mannlig danser)

Info: 22 24 36 00
Frist: 1. mars (utenlandsstøtte)

Finnish contacts:
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